While Sri Lanka’s media spokesperson told a website that Sri Lanka’s President, Mahinda Rajapakse "will not answer and is not answerable" to charges in the complaint filed by three Tamil plaintiffs in the District Court of District Columbia, Shavendra Silva, an ex-army commander and currently Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN) has hired a New York-based multi-national law firm as his defense counsel for charges of torture and extra-judicial killings filed in the District Court of Southern District of New York (SDNY). Both are civil cases.
While in Rajapakse case, the Court has authorized the Plaintiffs to serve summons by publication in Sri Lanka papers and in TamilNet website, in Vathsala Devi v. Silva there has yet to be evidence of any involvement by the US State Department as claimed by State run media in Sri Lanka.
ABC news on War-crimes
Mr Rajapakse is scheduled to travel to Perth Australia for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in ten days. Australian Prime Minister said Tuesday that the Australian Federal Police are investigating allegations of war crimes against Sri Lanka officials. Mahinda Rajapakse is one of the three officials under investigation, according to ABC television.
pdf: Notice of Appearance
The Notice of Appearance filed by Mr Silva’s attorney informs the court that his client is not waiving any immunities, and indicating that the defense will be likely based on "Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, the Agreement Between the United Nations and the United States of America Regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations," among others.
The rates for a mid-level partner in the NY firm runs from $700-$1000/hour.
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